How you do it is what you do…

Wellness + inspiration for creatives.

I’m so glad you are here. I’m passionate about delving into the how and why of the creative process and am thrilled to share that with you.

That’s me, in my garden.

My writing shares a special fascination for how we craft the environmental and psychological conditions— “the means whereby”—creative fulfillment can occur, whether through building a strong physiological foundation in wellness practices, using mindset techniques to support an expansive, nimble psyche, or partnering with the dopamine drive though behavioral shifts that help gather crystalline focus. I’ll share concepts and principles that I use in my one-on-one work with clients, as well as all the things that help me stay inspired and growing.

The evocative phrase “the means whereby” was offered by FM Alexander (founder of the Alexander Technique) to help his students prioritize the creative process. “The act performed,” he explained, “is of less consequence than the manner of its performance”.

The question is: How would you approach your creative work if you knew that every piece of the process was reflected in the results?

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It’s free—so please enjoy and share… XJessica

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Exploring the thrill of creativity in sync with the seasons—building a physiological foundation in support of a nimble psyche, expansive spirit and the generation of crystalline focus. Sharing wellness tips + depth, beauty and wonder...


Jessica Kerwin Jenkins is a writer (Vogue, W, New York Times), author (Encyclopedia of the Exquisite) and certified wellness coach (NBC-HWC) supporting creatives with physiological practices and mindset shifts to inspire pure daring.